Wednesday, August 21, 2013

South America Bound

At 5:00 a.m. even Reagan National Airport is still asleep.
I get up before 4:00 every morning, but somehow today felt earlier.  Maybe it's because I couldn't sleep.  You've probably had those nights were you just can't turn the movie in your mind off.  I kept thinking about what the kids would be like that I'm going to meet in Colombia tomorrow.  I kept thinking about getting to the airport on-time.   And I kept wondering what is that one thing that I forgot to pack. :)

This isn't my first international trip.  In fact, I've really lost track of how many times I've been overseas.  I know that I'm about to leave the familiar and will come face to face with poverty.  I know that I'll also come face to face with the joy of people who have no material possessions, and yet have more happiness than we do.  While I know these things, that doesn't stop my anticipation for meeting new people and playing with the children at the Compassion projects we'll be visiting.

A long time ago I used to be a reporter.  This week I'm going to put that hat on again.  Reporters are supposed to be unbiased, but that won't be the case for me.  You see I know I'm going to fall in love with these children I've never met.  I won't be able to help from sharing how important these children are, and how someone just like you could change their lives.  So while I haven't slept, I'm not tired.  In fact, I feel a little like a kids on Christmas morning.  I can't wait to see what happens next.



  1. I was at DC Fest on Saturday and sponsored a child from El Salvador. I pray that one day I can go there and meet her. Praying that you have a safe trip. Enjoy!

    1. Gerry --thanks for taking the time to invest in a child. I can tell you first hand -- it IS making a huge difference. I met a five-year-old from one of the projects today who helped lead his mom to Christ!

  2. Again travel mercies. Just a friendly reminder, that while you are going for the children...there are always opportunities to witness and minister to those WHILE you are en route. Be bold and courageous for our Lord and Savior.
