Friday, August 23, 2013

Hope Starts with One Child

The Mancilla family take a picture with us in the home that they own.

Whenever you turn on the news, it's easy to get depressed.  I hadn't heard much news for a couple of days, so I flipped on one of the couple channels here in Colombia that's in English.   I saw stories of violence in the Middle East as well as problems at home.  There are so many things we can get down about.   Then we went out to another project, and met this family, the Mancillas.  They gave me so much hope. 

The young lady in the green shirt is 14-year-old Yanaris.  She has been in the Compassion project since she was four years old.  When we asked her to describe how it had changed her life, she teared up.  She talked about how things were not happy at home before the project.  Then she got to know Jesus.  She shared him with her parents, and now they all believe and they all go to church together.  She told us that she wants to be a singer, an actress and to travel the world when she grows up.  She says her job right now is to help set a good example for her younger brother and sister. 


Sergio is the dad from this family.  He makes his living by going out fishing on the Caribbean Sea.  He saved up enough money to buy bricks to build a simple home.  This home is much better than the ones we saw yesterday that were built out of simple clapboards.  Both mom and dad are very proud of their daughter, and how her example has helped pull the family together.  A sponsor, someone just like you, is helping to give this entire family a better way of life and a hope because of their love for Jesus.


The outside of the Mancilla home.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this story. I shared it joyously with my 7 year old daughter. You made my morning.
